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Lovely Loulou

It seemed like everyone I follow on Instagram ate at the very chic new restaurant Loulou during Paris Fashion Week. The team behind  Monsieur Bleu in the Palais de Tokyo is behind this new venture located in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs that also has a terrasse along the picturesque Jardins des Tuileries. Chic French designer Joseph Dirand wanted the space to feel like the dining room of a decorative arts collector. Much like the  Musée des Arts Décoratifs, each floor reflects a different decorative arts period. The ground floor has five salons in 70’s decor while upstairs has an 18th-century and French Art Deco mix. The restaurant is filled with some of the most iconic design pieces, such as Eero Saarinen Tulip chairs, a fireplace inspired by Serge Roche, and Philippe Anthonioz lighting. I can’t wait to check it out on my next visit to the City of Light.

Источник: Lovely Loulou
Теги: design Instagram france paris fashion art joseph dirand restaurant decorative arts loulou monsieur bleu

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