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Get Your Spring On With J. McLaughlin

It’s cold and rainy in Paris this morning, so I’m dreaming of warmer weather and the new spring collection at J. McLaughlin is making me dream even harder. I love all the pretty colors and fun patterns that are perfect for work and weekend. I want to be wearing all of them while enjoying some sunshine.

To help get you in the mood for spring, J. McLaughlin is generously offering HC readers 15% off full priced styles from Friday, March, 4 – Sunday, March 6. Use code SPRINGCHIC at checkout. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer.

Happy shopping and bon weekend!


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This is a sponsored post but all opinions expressed are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Habitually Chic possible.

Источник: Get Your Spring On With J. McLaughlin
Теги: Spring Uncategorized paris fashion love color shopping patterns bon weekend dresses. j.mclaughlin special discount march

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