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Brow Beat

eyebrows-brow-beat-habituallychic-001 I’ve been getting compliments on my eyebrows for months now.  Friends, strangers, and even one straight man have commented on how great they look. I kept saying I was going to blog about my secret and now I’ve finally put a post together. Brows are really important for framing your face and I think the better they look, the less make up you need.

I have to say I’ve always had pretty good full brows. I chalk this up to the fact that I’ve never let anyone touch them. But in the last few years they’ve thinned out a little and I found it hard to grow in the ends. That was until I found RevitaBrow.
I read about RevitaBrow online and saw the remarkable testimonials and photos. I was skeptical but decided to give it a try and can attest that it really does work. You have to be patient because you won’t see results for about 4-6 weeks, the growth cycle of hair, but the new darker and thicker hairs will fill in your sparse areas. The only problem is that you have to keep using it but it’s worth it you want fuller brows.

But there are a lot of other great brow products you can use while you wait for your brows to fill in or instead of RevitaBrow.
eyebrows-brow-beat-habituallychic-003I used Anastasia Brow Wiz to fill in my brows and still use a little each morning to make sure they looked groomed. The thin retractable pencil comes in nine different colors and has a little brush on one end to soften the strokes. I use caramel and love the natural look it creates.
eyebrows-brow-beat-habituallychic-004I like to travel with Chanel Le Sourcil de Chanel Perfect Brows because it also comes with tweezers and a mirror.

I go to Benefit to have my eyelashes dyed and occasionally I’ll get my brows dyed as well when they are looking thin. Before I found  RevitaBrow, I would use Benefit Gimme Brow. The formula that comes in two colors contains little fibers that stick to your brows to fill in thin spots. Benefit can also wax and shape your brows.  If you have them done, I recommend not letting anyone touch the top of the brow because it keeps them fuller and more natural looking.
eyebrows-brow-beat-habituallychic-006I haven’t used Glossier Boy Brow but I’ve been hearing great things about it online. The creamy wax formula was created to thicken, fill in, and groom brows into place. It comes in three colors.
I use RevitaBrow at night and also in the morning after I’ve finished my make up. It acts as a non-crunchy brown gel but if you’re looking for a great brow gel, I like Anastasia Clear Brow Gel.
On a final note, be very careful of Botox in your forehead because it might affect your eyebrows.  Too much can create droopy brows which can make you look tired. I need to have it done between my brows because of a squint line but sometimes it makes the ends go up. I have my doctor put a little Botox above the end of each brow to prevent the surprised eyebrow look.

Don’t underestimate the importance of brows!

Источник: Brow Beat
Теги: Uncategorized chanel beauty anastasia benefit cosmetics brows eyebrows glossier revitabrow chalk

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