обо всем

Back on Track

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I’ve had a million subjects to write about but there have been so many things going on in my life that it just wasn’t possible to sit down and focus. Hopefully, I’ll be able to share some them soon but I can say that the last two weeks have reminded me of how many wonderful people have come into my life because of this blog.

It was exactly a year ago that I met interior designer Philip Mitchell at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House where he created the amazing gallery wall of over 200 pieces of art on the stairs of the 2015 house. I had lunch with Philip and his partner Mark Narsansky who have become dear friends on Monday where they presented me with a book about their adorable Ganaraskan dogs, Jacob and Wylo’s Adventure at the Kips Bay Show House. The book that highlights Jacob and Wylo’s adventures in New York last year is only available at the Kips Bay Decorator Show House shop and all the proceeds will be donated to the Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club.

The 2016  Kips Bay Decorator Show House opens on Thursday, May 12th and will run through June 9, 2016. I toured the house at 19 East 61st Street yesterday and I can tell you that it’s one of the best houses I’ve seen in a long time. The amazing group of veteran and up and coming interior designers were hand selected by the committee and Bunny Williams whom I spoke to at an event last evening at the home of designer David Kleinberg. She said that all of the rooms this year are about great design and highlight the experience that designers bring to projects in our increasingly diy world.

It’s honestly hard for me to pick a favorite room this year because they are all so gorgeous. I also still don’t know which room I will post first tomorrow when my coverage begins so I better get back to work!

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Источник: Back on Track
Теги: design Uncategorized interior design art best book gallery wall jacob and wylo kips bay decorator show house philip mitchell design show hosue

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