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Wedding of the Year

While most of my Instagram feed this weekend was filled with holiday weekend festivities in the US, the rest was focused on a gorgeous wedding that will definitely be hard to top this year. Lady Charlottte Wellesley married Alejandro Santo Domingo in Granada, Spain. The British bride’s father is the 9th Duke of Wellington, descendent of the first Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon’s forces at Waterloo. The groom is a Colombian-American financier and philanthropist and son of the late Colombian billionaire businessman Julio Mario Santo Domingo. Alejandro’s brother Andres is married to Lauren Santo Domingo and his niece Tatiana Santo Domingo is married to Andrea Casiraghi of Monaco.

The wedding was held at the 16th-century Church of the Incarnation in Granada and was attended by the Duchess of Cornwall among other royals and Spain’s former king Juan Carlos I. The reception for the 200 guests was held at the Duke of Wellington’s nearby country estate 19th-century house that includes olive gardens that was gifted to the first Duke of Wellington for supporting the Spanish against Napoleon. The festivities the evening before the wedding were held at La Alhambra in Granada which looked just as chic as the wedding. I don’t think we’ll see a wedding this beautiful for quite a while.

The bride, Lady Charlotte Wellesley, wearing Emilia Wickstead and her father, the Duke of Wellington outside the church.  lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-003 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-004 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-005 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-006 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-007

Lauren Santo Domingo lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-008
Caroline Sieber and Fritz von Westenholz
lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-009 Tatiana and Andrea Casiraghi

lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-010 Devon and Philip Radziwill
lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-013 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-014 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-015 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-016 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-017 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-019 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-020 Wedding invitations by Stephanie Fishwick.
lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-021 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-022 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-023 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-024 lady-charlotte-wellesley-alejandro-santo-domingo-wedding-spain-2016-habituallychic-025

Источник: Wedding of the Year
Теги: Instagram Uncategorized spain holiday napoleon duke of well granada lady charlotte wellesley lauren santo domingo wedding

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