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Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore is the title of a 1974 movie staring Ellen Burstyn who plans to travel from New Mexico to California with her son to live. She never makes it but my dear friend Alice Ryan Miller and her family have successfully made the move from New York to Montecito, California. It was the birth of her third child with husband, the bespoke tailer Kirk Miller, that they realized they needed more space and perhaps a better quality of life.

It’s with great sadness for all their friends that they have left but they both make frequent trips back for work, Alice for HL Group and Kirk for his company Miller’s Oath. They’ve kept their New York apartment for just this purpose but have decided to sell their weekend house in Southold on the North Fork of Long Island.  I remember Alice telling me about visiting the house for the first time and practically doing cartwheels outside because she loved it so much.  The owner also saw her and decided she was just the right person to take care of it.

Lonny has just featured the house online with photos taken by photographer Howie Guja. I still have yet to meet Howie in person but I introduced him and his family to Alice and hers since they both have small children and live out east. I’m sure they are also sad there will be no more play dates in the big backyard.

Of course it didn’t look quite this good after a pipe burst in the house during last year’s arctic winter. It turned out to be a wonderful opportunity to renovate and completely gut the very dated kitchen which turned out beautifully.  Alice had lots of help initially from former Domino editor and friend Tom Delavan but the recent work was undertaken by Hadley Wiggins-Martin, who owns a little vintage shop called North Found & Co.

The house is now for sale so perhaps if you do a little dance in the driveway, Alice might just decide you’re the right person to take care of it now.

Please email ryanmillerhouse@gmail.com for inquiries.
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Источник: Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
Теги: email Uncategorized interior design alice ryan howie guja kirk miller long island lonny miller's oath southold kitchen apartment california

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